
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

随着电子商务网站越来越受欢迎, business entrepreneurs are frantically looking for the best ecommerce platforms for creating their websites. 随着新技术的飞速发展, some are even shifting to new platforms to sustain and thrive in the competitive e-retail landscape. osCommerce is one of the first-ever open-source ecommerce platforms and remained a go-to choice for several years. However, as new platforms for creating digital stores started popping up, entrepreneurs are looking for better alternatives with more upgraded features and integrations. They are looking for platforms that serve all the needs of customers and are profitable for manufacturers.


Undoubtedly, osCommerce is one of the best platforms launched in 2000 and garnered a great reputation for many years. It is an open-source platform that offers tremendous possibilities to start the web store with no efforts. However, 随着许多平台的出现, business entrepreneurs started to experience better choices and started to notice some limitations with osCommerce. It doesn’t offer free plugins while there are many platforms like WooCommerce which have a few free plugins. 它也没有折扣券, 愿望清单功能, 但是依赖于第三方工具来利用这些特性. Also, it is not a user-friendly tool, as you need to depend on technical experts for help. Another major concern with osCommerce is that it is difficult to secure your data.

WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin is one of the fastest-growing ecommerce platforms which rose to prominence in a short span of time.

1. The primary reason for its ever-growing dominance in the market has been unlimited content management opportunities with WordPress and its powerful SEO opportunities.

2. 而osCommerce是一个复杂的程序, 另一方面,WooCommerce, 用户友好的界面和相当容易安装, build the store, 选择模板, 在没有专家帮助的情况下添加产品.

3. 尽管它是一个开源的解决方案, it does offer the requisite scalability and robustness standing up to the other popular competitors like Shopify, Magento, and Drupal.

4. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about your digital store security as there are various third-party security plugins that can be seamlessly integrated into the website.

5. Many WooCommerce plugins are free and even the premium plugins are reasonably priced.

6. It is relatively easy to find an expert developer to work with popular platforms like WordPress and its plugin WooCommerce. 它们也不会很贵.

7. It comes with marketing tools like discount options, coupon campaigns, and layout designs.

8. The greatest catch is a wide range of eye-catching and niche-specific themes.

9. WooCommerce is ever-evolving and with frequent update releases, extensions, and add-ons, 它一直是许多企业家的首选.

10. WooCommerce also integrates easily with social media channels and hence you can work on the latest marketing campaigns rather than traditional ways of marketing.

因此,电子商务正从osCommerce转向WooCommerce. 还有强大的好处, it’s popularity, flexibility, 可扩展性正驱使许多电子商务店主使用它.

Now that we’ve established some solid reasons for the popularity of WooCommerce, 以下是关于迁移过程的一些见解.


  1. 提前通知你的客户
  2. 在低流量阶段调度迁移过程
  3. 安装WooCommerce
  4. Select a theme that is bundled with extensions and structurally closer to your current store theme
  5. 获取osCommerce存储的备份
  6. 在该阶段避免任何自定义
  7. 清除WooCommerce上的当前数据

在WooCommerce平台上完成注册, use free demos, 然后开始迁移过程. Post-migration, 可以创建模板, 使自定义, 在上线之前进行彻底的测试. You can swiftly and easily move all your store data including products, categories, orders, custom fields, images, customers, reviews, manufacturers, etc. 同时确保没有数据重复. Adequate attention should be given to keep the entire process secure and the osCommerce store should be available to the customers with zero downtime till the migration process is completed. In case you have any migration-related queries, you can appeal to the support team.

A successful osCommerce到WooCommerce的迁移 entails the following checklist

  1. No Downtime - 当您的迁移过程正在进行时, your old osCommerce store should be available to your customers with no downtime.
  2. Preserve IDs - The product IDs, customer IDs, order IDs on your osCommerce store should be preserved. This helps in unnecessary iterations of allotting new IDs in the WooCommerce store.
  3. 数据类型迁移— 选择适合您需要的数据类型. 这7类数据可以是产品, categories, orders, customers, reviews, manufacturers, and taxes.
  4. 〇迁移最近的数据 即使在完成迁移之后, 如果您的osCommerce商店仍在运行并获取新数据, you may want your WooCommerce store also to be updated with the new data so that there won’t be any data loss.
  5. 万无一失的迁移- 一些中断,比如服务器关闭, 网络故障, or any other cause are likely to occur that may interrupt the migration. Resume from the last point of migration without starting over again.
  6. Data Security - The exchanged data is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption and HTTPS secure protocol. The data on your servers will be transferred from your source cart to the target cart. No third party should be involved and the data integrity should be preserved.
  7. 服务器安全- All the migration jobs should be carried out on secure servers with a high-speed internet connection.
  8. 数据访问安全- Only authorized developers can access your source code, and handle custom migration requests.
  9. SEO-intact - 使用正确的迁移工具, 您可以创建301重定向, 保留旧的url, and meta information that ensures no slump in the SEO rankings.

The osCommerce到WooCommerce的迁移 process may seem to be a tedious job but we are specialized in handling both simple and complex migrations. Skynet Technologies是osCommerce认证的合作伙伴. Skynet Technologies has dedicated osCommerce developers would be there to help you migrate seamlessly until your WooCommerce store goes live without any issues. You can be assured of a flawless migration with great ease, high speed, and utmost accuracy.
