Drupal Migration Services

将您的网站升级到Drupal 10,以获得更好的安全性、可访问性和性能. 我们的Drupal开发人员在高效方面有10年的经验, quick, and seamless migration from Drupal 7 to 10, Drupal 8 to 10, or Drupal 9 to 10.


Drupal 7 to 10 Migration

As per the official announcement from Drupal community; Drupal 7 will reach its end-of-life in January 2025. Drupal 10 is built on PHP version 8.0 while 7 is built on PHP 7 which has ended support. 将Drupal 7网站迁移到Drupal 10的另一个原因是它包含旧的和不受支持的jQuery版本, jQuery UI, jQuery Forms libraries. Drupal 10在性能、安全性和灵活性方面都有显著改进.

Drupal 7 to 10 Migration


Drupal 8 to 10 Migration

随着时间的推移,在报废平台上运行的网站会出现一系列问题,比如安全故障, potential downtime, lack of the latest features, costing more time and money. 从Drupal 8升级到Drupal 10有很多好处, including improved security, new features and functionality, and ongoing support from the Drupal community.

Drupal 8 to 10 Migration


Drupal 9 to 10 Migration

As per the official announcement from Drupal community; Drupal 9 will reach end-of-life in November 2023. 这是将您的网站迁移到Drupal 10的最重要原因之一. It will bring more features, stability, 和安全性,同时也提高了网站的性能.

Drupal 9 to 10 Migration


Drupal Commerce Migration

我们提供透明的迁移路径,从其他电子商务平台,如Magento, Shopify, osCommerce, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Squarespace, 或现有的Drupal商务到Drupal电子商务的最新版本.

Drupal Commerce Migration


Drupal Migration from other CMS / Platforms

毫无疑问,Drupal是最复杂、最健壮、最强大的CMS. 我们专注于从其他CMS或平台(如WordPress)迁移网站, Joomla, Laravel, Magento, Sitecore, Squarespace, Netlify, etc. to the latest version of Drupal.

Drupal Migration from other CMS / Platforms


Drupal Website Maintenance and Post-Migration Support

我们提供Drupal网站维护服务,包括小代码或模块升级, updating custom code, backup, bug resolving, security audit, testing upgrades, and more. 我们提供迁移后支持服务,以确保您的网站在迁移到Drupal 10后能够顺利运行. 我们的Drupal专家提供持续的维护、定期签到和问题解决.

Drupal Website Maintenance and Post-Migration Support


Drupal Website Accessibility Remediation

我们提供全方位的Drupal ADA网站可访问性修复解决方案,包括审核, remediation, monitoring, training, consulting, and support. 我们的数字无障碍解决方案适合任何规模,预算 & 考虑采用数码共融的商业及政府网站. We provide quick & 完成Drupal网站的标准修复,包括ADA, WCAG 2.1, Section 508, Australian DDA, European EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), Israeli Standard 5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, and France RGAA.

Drupal Website Accessibility Remediation

Seamless Drupal Website Migration and Upgrade

Drupal Gold Certified Partner

我们是Drupal金牌认证合作伙伴,为Drupal协会和项目提供支持和贡献. 我们要做的不仅仅是满足对Drupal项目做出贡献的附加标准.

Drupal Premium Supporting Partner


Faster performance with Drupal 10

Get better functions, performance boost, core web vitals and page experience updates, updated twig theme engine, 解耦架构,实现更快的性能和隔离的数字体验. 获得Drupal 10上无杂乱平台的向后兼容性.

No need to compromise on existing SEO

Our years of experience enabled us to deliver painless, seamless, 和可靠的数据迁移过程,并照顾Drupal网站的现有SEO.

Enhanced Security

通过Drupal 10迁移获得增强的安全性和责任性. It provides built-in support for multilingual websites.

What our client says about us

When I asked a question or brought up a need, 天网科技的团队总是能迅速解决问题并提供解决方案. Our website was built on an out of date, 我们不再维护Drupal 6电子商务模块,我们需要找一个有技术经验的人,不仅要把网站从Drupal 6升级到Drupal 7,还要把我们所有的销售数据从一个商业模块迁移到另一个. This was a challenging project.

我是通过在线搜索Drupal开发找到它们的. 我认为对我来说,是他们的自信和回应让我接受了这个项目. 他们非常出色地将我的Drupal 6电子商务网站升级到Drupal 7电子商务网站... Read more about John Southard's Testimonial

PDH Library, Southard Engineering, Inc.
John Southard President, Southard Engineering, Inc.

Related Case Study

A secure and seamless Drupal 6.x to Drupal 7.位于佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的在线教育课程提供商!

The client provides continuing education courses in civil, electrical geotechnical, mechanical, and structural engineering. 他们的目标是以低廉的价格提供高质量的继续教育课程. 客户要求我们将他们过时的Drupal电子商务网站从Drupal 6迁移过来.x version to Drupal 7.x.

将网站从一个平台迁移到另一个平台可能是一个充满压力和不确定的时间,如果没有仔细计划和良好执行. 要在CMS(内容管理系统)内升级最新版本,必须有一个好的路线图。, for a smooth transition and minimal downtime.

Read More about Drupal Migration Case Study


它是对当前网站进行迁移或升级的过程, 应用程序或系统到最新版本的Drupal. Drupal 10 also requires at least PHP 8.1.

Yes, reach out to request a free quote and submit the form.

Yes, it supports more than 100 languages including English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese; Right-to-left text direction languages including Arabic, Hebrew, and Farsi; and more.

Yes. Feel free to get in touch with us for any kind of requirements.

A few primary reasons are faster and better performance, automated updates, improved user experience, Symfony, PHP, CKEditor, security upgrades, and Twig upgrades.

Drupal 8和Drupal 9之间最显著的区别是

  • Removal of all deprecated functions.
  • The Twig theme engine version has been updated.
  • The jQuery UI library dependencies have been removed.
  • 来自Doctrine的简单注释解析器也从Drupal 9中删除了.
  • Drupal 9 is much better in terms of Speed and Performance.

以下是Drupal 9和Drupal 10之间的主要区别:

  • Drupal 9 uses Symfony 4, while Drupal 10 uses Symfony 6.2.
  • Drupal 10 is available with CKEditor 5, 而Drupal 9有CKEditor 4,它将在2023年终止.
  • Drupal 10有starterkit主题和更好的定制工具.
  • Drupal 10提供了高级JS组件,这些组件被jQuery界面取代.

Yes. Reach out to request a free quote and submit the form.

Yes. Request a free quote and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Yes, 我们已经为一些web代理机构提供了Drupal迁移服务, web development companies, content team, consultancy, and corporation. Reach out to request a free quote.

Kickstart Drupal website migration and upgrades!